Hazelnuts in Italy | Sourced by TasteMade

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In the next episode of SOURCED, we follow the hazelnut road and end up in Piedmont, just in time for the annual Nocciola Festival. Join Guy as he celebrates with the townfolk and finds inspiration for a delicious dessert. It’s pretty nuts.

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Zabaglione with Hazelnut Praline and Gelato

Zabaglione Ingredients:
4 egg yolks
2 tbs caster sugar
3 tbs Frangelico (Or any Hazelnut liquor)
1 tbs hazelnut puree (nutella)

Praline Ingredients:
1 cup sugar
3 tbs water
½ cup sliced hazelnuts

Zabaglione Method:
1. In a bowl over a double boiled beat eggs, sugar and Frangelico until thick and foamy.
2. Continue to cook for another 5 minutes till mixture coats the back of a spoon add
nutella and mix through… the mix needs to be continually whisked while cooking to
stop the egg from curdling.
3. Serve immediately.

Praline Method:
1. Line a tray with parchment paper.
2. In a pan on a medium head add sugar and water.
3. Cook for about 6 minutes till medium caramel forms.
4. Carefully mix through nuts then poor out onto parchment lined try to lt cool.
5. Store in air tight container.
6. Serve hazelnut gelato in a bowl with some Italian sponge fingers, poor over zabaglione then
garnish with praline.


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